Konstantin Bas: How to Build a Stronger Team

Konstantin Bas has established himself a success in the field of construction management. An adept construction manager, and CEO of a competitive construction firm, Bas has earned the reputation not only as a client-focused construction professional but as an adept business leader who understands what is needed to get the job done on a daily basis.

As the leader of a successful enterprise, Konstantin Bas knows his company’s accomplishments wouldn’t have been possible without the right supporting cast. Without the support and work of the right team, an organization is almost certainly doomed to fail, particularly in the highly competitive construction industry.

How to Build a Stronger Team

Putting together an effective team requires:

Selecting the Right People

While perhaps a bit tedious, taking the time to carefully select the right people for the right roles is essential. The short- and long-term success of your organization depends on the reliability and skill of your personnel.

Giving Each Role Purpose

For team members to be effective contributors, it’s important to for them to know they’re valued; that their contributions are necessary, and that are needed to accomplish larger organizational objectives.

Read this post as well: Konstantin Bas: Becoming A Yoga Instructor

Konstantin Bas – Motivating Employees

Konstantin Bas has worked as the CEO of a London-based Construction Management business since 2007. At times, worker morale has been low and the company has threatened to grind to a halt. At these points, he began to search for a way to motivate workers and has found various strategies that help. With motivated employees, the company began to thrive again and since it has steadily grown. The motivation of workers is integral to any successful company.

Konstantin Bas - Motivating Employees

Upwards mobility opportunities are some of the most effective methods of motivating workers. If employees see that there are rewards such as promotions, reassignments and bonuses as the result of their hard work, they are far more likely to work hard. The company’s recognition of worker achievements is another great way to motivate, as seeing others work hard has a positive influence on employees. Opportunities for learning via development courses is another great way to promote hard work and ensure that workers feel they have a purpose. These perks also instil a sense of pride and dedication to the company in employees.

According to Konstantin Bas, a successful CEO, giving employees various opportunities for learning and promotion is the best way to motivate them to succeed. With a goal in sight, they are far more likely to work hard and will appreciate the rewards that the company provides for them. Employees need to be motivated to help the company reach its goals, and there are a few simple techniques which help companies do this.

Visit https://konstantinbasceo.wordpress.com/2018/03/01/konstantin-basconstruction-management-tips-and-tricks/ to know more about Konstantin Bas

Konstantin Bas – Longevity in a Business Career

Konstantin Bas, now a successful CEO, entered the work force right after graduating from high school. Already, he was beginning to form a clear path to his dream position of CEO and he knew that gaining low-level experience would help him in the long run. Working for his father’s company, he developed many essential business skills that he still utilizes today.

After gaining what he felt was sufficient work experience, he decided to attend university, choosing a Bachelor of Science in Business Development as his degree. He graduated with a 4.0 GPA and went straight back to earn an Associate’s Degree in Construction Management, tailored to the field he now works in. With excellent grades representative of his hard work, he received many job offers and accumulated skills in managerial positions. All the while, he was building a portfolio of skills fit for a CEO.

Konstantin Bas - Longevity in a Business Career

Go through:  https://konstantinbasceo.wordpress.com/2018/02/22/konstantin-bas-the-benefits-of-running-regularly/

He received a job for a CEO position in 2007, and immediately took it. Achieving the goal of becoming CEO was a fulfilling reward for years of hard work, and he is still proud of that moment in his career. Now, with almost a decade’s experience under his belt, he has few regrets about his career trajectory.

Konstantin Bas has a long, successful career in Construction Management. His specific skill set and leadership skills make him an ideal CEO, and he loves his job. In his spare time, Konstantin Bas enjoys yoga, trail running, and spending time with his family.


Konstantin Bas CEO – The Benefits of Managing Stress

Konstantin Bas is the CEO of a Construction Management company based in London, England. His job is busy and stressful at times, but over the years he has learnt to manage his stress and become a more effective leader for this skill. A fast-paced working environment and and a competitive industry combine to create a mindset that is not always relaxed. Managing stress has a multitude of benefits for work and home life.

Konstantin Bas_ The Benefits of Managing Stress

Konstantin Bas enjoys trail running, yoga, and spending time with his family to keep his stress levels low. Managing stress doesn’t always have to be a difficult task – practicing your favorite hobbies and clearing your head can be just as effective as seeing a therapist or trying a healthier diet. Ensure that you are focused on something other than work, and it will likely be very effective.

Managing stress is simple, and it has many benefits. Employees will respect your calm decisiveness, and you will find it easier to relax at work after relieving the stress that work can bring. Home life will also improve as you learn how to keep your work emotions away from your family, and truly begin to relax.

Konstantin Bas CEO based in London, enjoys managing stress and believes that business people should not perceive it as another menial work task. It has benefits in every area of life, and works for people in any industry who find themselves becoming stressed. Keeping in mind these benefits, there is nothing to lose by managing workplace stress effectively.

Read this post as well: https://konstantinbass.weebly.com/blog/konstantin-bas-career-progress