Konstantin Bas: Recent Undertaking

Construction management professional and company CEO Konstantin Bas has recently endeavored to take his company in a slightly different direction. With the creation of a new property management division, Konstantin Bas is looking to make a footprint in an all new field, and to expand his company’s horizons.

Check out this PPT to know more about the leadership: Konstantin Bas: Building The Future





Konstantin Bas CEO – Yoga as a Businessman

Konstantin Bas, CEO of a London Construction Management company, is a dedicated worker, but believes that no leader can keep going without time to unwind. His free time is when he eliminates the stress of work and ensures that he doesn’t lose any of his clear perspective on life. He does this by practicing yoga, his favorite hobby.

Yoga is helpful for business people on two levels; primarily, it relieves the stress of work through meditations. Secondly, it relieves the physical stress of working inside at a desk all day by improving posture, flexibility and coordination.


Relieving the stress of the work day is essential for any successful leader. Meditation is the ideal way to do this, with its focus on low stress and relaxation. It improves upon a natural, spiritual part of life that is too often lost amid working life. The positive energy that yoga creates is useful to business people in dealing with and motivating employees to do their best, and in giving off a confident persona to clients.


The physical stress of working in an office all day is something that is forgotten by many business people. Yoga, swimming and other stretching forms of exercise are ideal for preventing cramps and building up under-utilized muscles. The damage done to the body through sitting at a computer can be repaired by intensive yoga and a plan to improve flexibility.

Konstantin Bas CEO is a businessman who takes care of his mental and physical health by practicing yoga. Combined with another hobby, trail running, he believes that he is more in touch with nature than many businessmen in London. He uses his positive mindset to his company’s benefit.

Latest Post: https://konstantinbasceo.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/konstantin-bas-how-to-become-a-yoga-instructor